Beauty Gems - Detox Water

I’m always looking out for products that can help my skin look healthier and younger. Face masks, moisturiser and sun protection form part of my weekly face care routine. The effects of hormones, sun damage and stress, causes our skin to prematurely age but before you head out to the shop for the next best product, look at how much water you drink. Living in the desert, I am always aware of how much I drink when I’m out and about and especially while I exercise. But, when I’m cooped up in an airconditioned environment all day, I tend to forget. So, recently I’ve doubled down on my efforts, realising that it’s one beauty habit that has far reaching health benefits. 

Drinking water does not replace the need for using good moisturising products for your skin. Moisturising lotions and cream replenish and lock in moisture right at the surface at the skin and therefore is of vital importance. Researches are divided about whether water consumption has any effect on aging as water takes a while to reach our skin. Skin is an organ, just like your heart or liver therefore it needs water but we loose water through sweating and breathing and we need to replace it. Most researches do agree though, that we need water to detoxify the body. The liver is responsible for removing toxins from our bodies, but it cannot do it effectively without water. Personally, I think this is the key issue for drinking water for better skin. My skin will tell me exactly when things are not well in my body. Water aids digestion and helps circulate nutrients around the body in fact it is helpful to consider water a nutrient itself, according to If our water output outweighs our input, we are in danger of being dehydrated and that is more dangerous than just a bit of dry skin.

So, drink more water. Sounds so easy, right? We need to drink at least eight 230ml (8 ounces) of water a day. That’s about 2litres of water a day and more if you live in a desert and especially when you’re exercising. I much rather drink some coffee or tea (although black tea would count to your water count for the day) but I am up for the challenge. The drinking water habit is not easy and I need to be a bit more creative to help me keep at it. Detox water has become quite popular and I thought I’d give it a try. You can make your own detox water by adding fresh fruit and herbs to water and soaking it for at least 2 hours. Apart from being really good for you, it also very pretty. I usually soak mine overnight and the flavours really permeate the water. I would suggest using a glass jug or jar as you don’t want plastic seeping into your healthy drink. The water is ready to drink 2-4hours after, but I suggest soaking it overnight (8 hours). You want to discard the fruit to prevent it decomposing and infecting your water with nasties but the water will last up to three days in the fridge. You can use just about any fruit and you can mix any flavours together, but I found a few popular ones online and gave it a go. 

Cucumber, Lemon and Mint (4 litres)

You might want to cut the rind of the lemons as the rind (including the white bits) cause the water to taste bitter. Cucumbers have vitamin K, C, B5, magnesium, manganese and potassium. It has anti-inflammatory properties and potassium lowers blood pressure. Lemon contains vitamin C that fights off infection and aids digestion. It is also a powerful antioxidant. 

Pineapple, Lemon and mint (4 litres)

This one is a family favourite. Of all the water we’ve tried, it’s the most refreshing especially in this desert heat. Pineapple also contains potassium and is a strong antioxidant. Mint eases digestion and has antioxidant qualities. 

Blueberry, Kiwi and Oranges (1.3 litres)

This drink is delicious. I would suggest slightly smashing up the blueberries to help release its goodness.  Blueberries are a super cancer fighting fruit. It has tremendous antioxidant abilities and I eat them all the time. They also contain vitamin K, C and manganese. 

Raspberries, Lemon and Mint (1.3 litres)

I really enjoyed this one. The raspberries make a delicious drink. Raspberries, like blueberries, are so good for you with vitamin C to fight of colds and antioxidants to help fight cancer cells. 

Lime, Mint Green Tea

Because drinking tea counts towards your water quota, so to speak, I like to make iced tea. I actually learnt it in Taiwan and my nine-year-old loves his, even without sugar. You can use any tea. Experiment with the amount but we usually use 3 bags per 1.5 litres of water. Place the bags in cold water and leave in the fridge overnight. You can also add a bit of lime, lemon and mint for extra punch. 

Detox water is such a great way of getting more water in. It’s so good for you and the health benefits are amazing. Come on, let’s do it together. Living healthy lives; inside out.



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