Beauty Gems - Summer Feet Ready

Here in the UAE we have two seasons, hot and coldish. Spring is here and it’s warming up, so that means summer sandals are back on the menu.  It is so important to protect our feet from the effects of the sun because they can get sunburnt and cracked, especially when you’re wearing open shoes every day. I’ve been ‘living’ in my favourite black flip-flops, so naturally they were starting to dry out and as you can see in the pictures, they were getting a bit sunburnt. I took to the web to find a solution.

I, as any other girl, enjoy spa days but I do like home remedies as well. They are awesome, with the added benefit of using things you already have in your pantry. So, that means you can repeat it as many times as you wish without breaking the bank and then when you do go to the spa it will be even more of a treat. I found many home remedies for dry and cracked feet, and the ‘Listerine and Apple Vinegar’ one kept on popping up. Now, granted I didn’t have Listerine in my cupboard already, but it could be. So, after a quick shopping trip, it was time to give it a go. I did both mine and Roland’s feet (my DH has a lot of patience) to see the different results.

Mix all the ingredients into a bowl

Soak your feet for 15 minutes (note the flip-flop tan marks lol)

I have always enjoyed home remedies; I think for the same reason many people like the spa. It’s wonderful to take time out and do something for yourself. And it’s not even ‘what’ you do, but for a moment in time, you’re thinking of YOU. Home remedies take a certain amount of planning. The process of putting it together, setting out a block of time and enjoying the fruit of your labour is terribly rewarding. After soaking for fifteen minutes, my feet were blue. I’m not kidding, I mean they were blue; even the toenails (a bit of Avatar look going there). I was a little concerned that it wouldn’t wash out immediately. I took a pumice stone and a little bit of soap and warm water and went a scrubbing. Remarkably, the dead skin came of quite easily, especially around the nails and the heals. My feet looked ‘clean’ and much to my relief, they were not blue anymore. It also felt very smooth but noticed immediately that they needed a bit of moisturising. Roland’s feet went the same just his wasn’t as blue lol.

I used a foot mask that I bought at the local supermarket. It came with prefilled plastic booties and I wrapped my feet for about 15 minutes. I wouldn’t recommend walking around in them as you’re squishing about. After fifteen minutes, I took them out and rubbed the lotion into the feet. Before bed, I reapplied moisturiser and have been doing that every evening to keep them well hydrated. There is a slight sensitive feeling about the feet afterwards but by the second day that disappeared. I wouldn’t recommend doing this more than once a month, only because it does have a drying effect on the feet. Take extra care of keeping them dry of sweat in the summer but don’t skimp on the moisturiser (I don’t ever put in between the toes).

Plastic booties - trust me their big enough for anyone's feet. They were perfect for DH's

Snug as a bug. 

In addition to moisturising every night, I scrub my feet using a home-made scrub made with, you guessed it, Listerine. I made it with 2 cups of lavender Epsom salt and ¼ cup of Listerine. I stored it in a glass jar, recycled from Thanksgiving, and I keep it on the ledge in the shower. I usually scrub every other night.

Foot scrub

All I need now, is a bit of nail polish and I’m ready for summer sandals. 

Find more information on how to take care of your feet if you're a diabetic here.
WebMD shares information about common foot problems and how to care for them.

Enjoy your Happy Feet!



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