Giving it Everything and More

Hi Everyone

My name is Leazille Pretorius. My husband, Roland, have been married for almost 20 years. We have a beautiful young son, Reuben. I wanted to start this blog, to share stories, ideas and experiences about being a wife, mom, daughter, friend and entrepreneur. God has always been such an important part of my life and His purpose permeates all the facets of life for me. It has always been my drive to live an extra-ordinary life and refuse to settle for mediocre. Never one to be satisfied with the status quo and wanting to push and grow as much as possible.

I invite you, my moms, sisters, and friends, to share in my stories of triumph and failure. Learning to be the best women, a wife, and mom I can be. Whether it's sharing recipes from my kitchen; travel and fashion adventures; trying new beauty tips, learning how to push beyond expectations in business; allowing God to be guide and counsellor and every area of life, I believe that together we can Give it Everything and More. That is why I named this blog The GEM. Life is short and deserves to be lived to the full. I want to give it all I can; leaving a legacy for my children and family.

Women are remarkable multi-faceted beings. We're not just one thing. And while we're soft and gentle, we're also stronger than we think. It has become more a necessity for a women to function in the wisdom of God because of the multiple roles we fulfil in life. That is why Samuel's mother admonishes him to seek out a women of virtue, strength and wisdom. We are the glue that keep it all together. Our husbands, children, family, community and the world need us to be remarkable.

So, if the whole world needs us, where do we go for support and love. Of course, God is our source, and our husbands are an ever present pillar, but I believe God has given us other women to teach, guide and support. Paul writes in Titus 2:4, speaking about the older women in the church, 'That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children.' This is a design ordained by God, for women to learn from each other and to be a source of support.

Therefore, ladies, let's get together and cheer each other on as we endeavour to Give it Everything and More.

💖 Always



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